Tumbled Sunstone


5 in stock


This type of Sunstone is not to be confused with the Icelandic sunstone, Iceland Spar. This listing for Sunstone is a orange mineral containing hematite and feldspar. Feldspar is the mineral responsible for the glimmering and fiery flash. Hematite is the mineral responsible for the color of Sunstone and is often associated with blood. These minerals, working in synchronicity, can aid you in creating energy for the dazzling work associated with the leadership of Leo and the backbone of Aries.

Sunstone is a crystal corresponding with fire and the astrological signs of Leo and Aries. Capture the powerful leadership energy of Leo and Aries when working with Sunstone in your ritual or grid work. Its hot vibrational energy can burn away that which no longer serves you to allow new growth and healing to take place. Work with Sunstone anytime the Sun is in Leo or Aries. I recommend allowing your Sunstone to bathe under their suns to charge for your intentional work.

Leo and/or Aries, coupled with a Sunstone can manifest powerfully in areas of leadership or sexual vitality. If you wish to have a passionate relationship then work with Sunstone to light the fires for you.

Uses: Uplifting, leadership, sexual vitality

Affirmations: “I am increasing happiness in my life and improving my optimism.”


Measurement: appx .75 – 1 inch
MOHS: 6-6.5
Chakras: Solar Plexus
Zodiac: Aries, Leo
Vibrational Level: Hot
This listing is for 1 tumbled Sunstone

Comes gift wrapped with magical herbs to accompany them in transit.

Magical blessings,



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