My herbal apothecary has grown in recent months as my studies in potions has deepened. My cauldron is bubbling with earthly elements found in deep hidden forests where fairies frolic and work their own kind of magick. However, here in the city we settle for finding our ingredients in natural food stores. There are times when my magick requires the use of a mortar and pestle, but for this potion I opted for the assistance of my coffee bean grinder and a frother. I’m a firm believer that’s ok to use modern technology to make our craft easier to work with. That being said, here is my recipe for my Witches’ Immortality Potion. This Samhain Moon Milk is not a sweet beverage, it’s earthy and reminiscent of a graveyard ritual to raise the dead. Prepare this calming potion to help you pass safely through the portal of the dead. If you’re a taphophile then you’ll need to add this potion to your grimoire.

Side note: Don’t you get frustrated with today’s recipe blogs because they write way too much content in the beginning of a recipe and you have to search to find the ingredients and directions?? Me too! While I’m willing to cut to the chase and let you see the ingredients right off the bat, please read through this and find out why each of the ingredients are used and how they correspond to your magickal practice.
- Plain unsweetened Hemp milk
- Dehydrated pumpkin, finely ground
- Orange Lily petals, dried and cut in a coffee grinder
- Black Truffle
- Dehydrated oyster mushroom
- Ashwagandha
On the side:
- Pumpkin Cinnamon Granola
- Mahón cheese
- Slice the cheese and select your granola nuggets and set aside.
- Slice your truffle and any bits that fall off can be sprinkled atop the cheese slices.
- Heat the hemp milk in the frother then pour into your cup, holding the froth back with a spoon. Spoon in 1/4 tsp of ashwagandha and mix well. Spoon the froth onto the surface of the milk.
- Sprinkle the lily petals and dehydrated pumpkin powder in a crescent moon shape.
- Add your dehydrated mushroom and truffle to garnish.
While sipping your earthy potion take nibbles of cheese and granola in between sips. You can mix your mushroom and truffle into your milk if you’d like.
“The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living.” ~Marcus Tullius Cicero
Now lets dig into the magickal correspondences!
Hemp Milk is an earthy protein base to use for this potion. I favor the unsweetened version because I didn’t want to bring too much sweetness into this mushroom and truffle blend. The nibbling on pumpkin granola adds that sweetness to your palette. However, a dark chocolate hemp milk could be substituted here. Since we’re working with Samhain, an earthy sabbat when we visit cemeteries, hemp feels like the perfect choice. Hemp is known to support brain health and as we dig into the dirt for waking the dead we want to keep our minds protected from hungry zombies.

I purchased a small pumpkin and removed the seeds and pulp to leave a clean pumpkin rind. I used a melon baller to remove small thin slices of the flesh and placed it in the dehydrater around 10am and it was ready by 4 pm. Then I placed them in a coffee grinder and ground it into fine powder. Pumpkins are the treat of the season, are used as jack o’ lanterns to ward off evil spirits, and supports healthy skin. No need to decompose before our time.
Orange Lily petals are edible and I purchased mine from Amazon. Orange lilies represent confidence and wealth. They also provide comfort while mourning lost loved ones.
Black truffles are highly favored in the culinary industry and is an edible fungus rich in antioxidants and is antibacterial. “Researchers in Italy have found that black truffles produce anandamide, a natural chemical similar to marijuana’s active compound, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)” ~Layla Eplett We know from science (and human experiences) that tetrahydrocannabinol eases the emotions during times of grieving and stress. Since Samhain is the sabbat of the thinning veil for ancestors passing through, black truffle makes this potion supportive to you.
Oyster mushrooms flourish on decaying matter, most notably trees, but nonetheless I wanted to bring this death eater into this recipe. They’re actually beneficial for us, though in trace amounts, culinary artists use them in fantastic dishes to sooth our taste buds with their earthy flavor.
Ashwagandha, also known as poison gooseberry, is a plant from the nightshade family. It comes from the root of the shrub and is known to support better sleep. This makes it a wise choice to use in our scrying and Samhain ritual practices because it can boost our divination to connect with the dead. *cue creepy music and ghostly bellowing*

The flavor of this earthy potion is actually pleasant and nibbling on the nutty cheese and pumpkin granola adds to this grave side treat. It really is the perfect choice for welcoming your ancestors through the liminal space.
Have a Bewitching Samhain,